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Port Industry Recognition Programs

AAPA’s annual Lighthouse Awards program recognizes the best practices in the port industry across four disciplines: Communications, Environmental Improvement, Information Technology, and Facilities Engineering. There are also three AAPA awards given to individuals as appropriate: Port Person of the Year Award, Distinguished Service Award, and ImPORTant Service AwardPort Person of the Year Award recipient is recognized at AAPA’s Annual Legislative Summit in the spring. Ports receiving Lighthouse Awards of Excellence are recognized during AAPA’s Annual Convention in the fall. 

The Lighthouse Awards

AAPA’s awards have been reimagined and refreshed along with our brand. Renamed the AAPA Lighthouse Awards, our goal is to recognize the best port programs and projects that stand as a beacon of excellence across the industry. Now incorporated into one prestigious awards program, the Lighthouse Awards will acknowledge excellence in four disciplines: Communications, Environmental Improvement, Facilities Engineering, and Information Technology.

Submission Timeline

AAPA will be accepting project entries for the 2023 AAPA Lighthouse Awards during the application period May 8 to June 16, 2023 (midnight EDT). Judges will evaluate submitted projects, and winning entries from this year’s competition will be announced in August. Individual awards will be shipped shortly after that. Winners of the Lighthouse Awards of Excellence will be presented with their awards at the AAPA Annual Convention. Ports are encouraged to begin preparing for their project submissions.

Application Portals 

The 2023 AAPA Lighthouse Awards application period will be open from May 8 through June 16, 2023 (midnight EDT). AAPA-member ports are invited to submit project entries using the online submission portals for each category:

Application Criteria

View the awards application criteria used to evaluate the entries in each category:

Steps To Apply 

  1. Review application guidelines for your specific category at the above links to become familiar with nomination criteria such as eligibility, project timeframe, required and supplementary materials.  
  2. Speak with your port leadership and determine which organizational accomplishments you will highlight in your awards applications. 
  3. Gather all the information needed for your application. Reports, data, pictures, graphs, and other visuals help to tell the story of your project to competition judges. Remember to complete the PowerPoint slide template.
  4. Submit applications, along with the application fee, via the above application submission portals.  

Contact AAPA

For additional information or any inquiries regarding the Lighthouse Awards, please contact the appropriate team member at AAPA.

  • Communications - Jen WilkDirector, Corporate Communications and Marketing
  • Environmental Improvement - Ian Gansler, Government Relations Associate
  • Facilities Engineering - Paula Gonzalez, Senior Manager of Membership Growth 
  • Information Technology - Liz Mancini, Manager of Member Experience