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Funding & Financing Resources

Port Planning & Investment Toolkit
AAPA, together with the Maritime Administration, brought together experts from around the port industry to develop an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-execute Port Planning and Investment Toolkit to help you get to the point of bidding out a plan for the repairs and upgrades needed to handle the immense demands currently and in the future.

Seaports Magazine Q1 2020: Designing Today for Tomorrow
The centerspread feature, Port Financing Trends, focuses on ports’ financing opportunities and the increasingly sophisticated and creative approach to financing their operations and capital improvements.

Seaports Magazine June 2019: Workforce Development
The June 2019 issue of Seaports magazine focused on the importance of workforce development and capital investment at ports. Articles include Finding MTS Support Information in the Federal Government and Financing Port Projects: Strategies in the Current Landscape.

Port Administration & Legal Issues Seminar
This Seminar addressed the latest trends, challenges and risk management strategies for port administrators, finance officers, real estate managers, attorneys, and risk managers. Sessions include How to Ensure Payments of Port Charges and to Protect Your Port in the Event of Tenant Bankruptcies, Record Retention, Risk Management Issues: Loss Mitigation Strategies for Ports and the New Regulatory Regime for Ports.

Maritime Economic Development Committee
A key priority of AAPA's Maritime Economic Development Committee is access to public and private sector capital. Ports need more public and private-sector funding assistance for major port infrastructure investments, ranging from marine terminal upgrades and industrial property developments, to connecting road, rail and waterside infrastructure with port properties.