Congratulations to the Port of Long Beach.
Awards of Excellence
Port of Long Beach - The Port Supports 1 in 8 Jobs Community Awareness Campaign [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Saint Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority - SLASPA's Corporate Advertising Campaign [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Award of Excellence
Port of Long Beach - The Future is BIG-Trade Campaign [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Award of Merit
Port of Beaumont - Knock-Knock [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Recognition
Maryland Port Administration - 2012 To-Do List [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Stockton - Short Sea Shipping [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Award of Recognition
Port of Los Angeles - Port of Los Angeles Sustainability Report 2011 [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Excellence
Port Everglades - Annual Cruise Guide [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port Manatee - 2012 Official Directory [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Award of Merit
Ports of Indiana - 2011 Indiana Logistics Directory [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Recognition
Port of Beaumont - Your Global Trade Partner [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port Canaveral - 2012 Port Canaveral Report/Directory [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Merit
Port of Los Angeles - Mariners Guide [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Los Angeles - LAtitude Video E-Newsmagazine [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Los Angeles - Holiday ecard [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Los Angeles - 2012 Calendar [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Los Angeles - School Boat Tour Program [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
The Massachusetts Port Authority - The Intricate Dance of Norwegian Dawn [Entry Image]
Port of Seattle - Rising Tides and Tailwinds [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Recognition
Port of Long Beach - Commemorative Hardcover Book: Port of Long Beach-Celebrating a Centennial [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Los Angeles - "TradeConnect 201" Business & Legislative Outreach Program [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Excellence
Port Everglades - Port Everglades Expansion [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Vancouver USA - Centennial Celebration Campaign [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Award of Merit
Port of Los Angeles - LA Waterfront Campaign [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Excellence
Ports of Indiana - Portside Magazine [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port Manatee - Port Manatee Deepwater E-Newsletter [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Merit
Port Canaveral - 2011-2012 Port Canaveral Magazine [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port Canaveral - Biznotes E-Newsletter [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Houston Authority - The Port of Houston Authority Magazine [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Long Beach - Port of Long Beach Re:port Community Newsletter [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Long Beach - Tie Lines' Industry Subscription Newsletter [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Award of Excellence
Toledo Lucas County - Tour the Port [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Merit
Port of Beaumont - Port Map Booklet [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port Canaveral - Sweet Opportunities Digital Interactive Publication [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
PortMiami - Growing the Port, Growing the Business [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Recognition
Ports of Indiana - Ports of Indiana Map Brochure [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Tampa Port Authority - Homeport and Beyond [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Award of Excellence
Port of Long Beach - Social Media Campaign-Facebook, Twitter, & YouTube [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Award of Merit
Port of Tacoma - Talk Directly to Your People: Port of Tacoma's Facebook & Twitter Social Media Channels [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Award of Recognition
Port of Seattle - Centennial Video Contest [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Excellence
Port of Everett - Shipment of the First Part for the Boeing 777-A Historic Milestone [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Los Angeles - Concerts on the Waterfront [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Seattle - Know Your Port by Bike [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Award of Merit
Port of Long Beach - A Centennial Celebration of Women in the International Trade and Goods Movement Industry [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Recognition
Port Everglades - Keep Port Everglades Shipshape 2011 Event [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Long Beach - Let's Talk Port III-100th Anniversary Community Forums [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Long Beach - 100th Birthday Party! Community Centennial Celebration [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Redwood City - 2011 Redwood City Portfest [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Merit
Port of Grays Harbor - A Century of Determination: A Decade of Diversification [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Long Beach - Faces of the Port: Celebrating 100 Years [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Recognition
Port of Long Beach - On the Go Video Series [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Long Beach - Pulse of the Port Video Series [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Award of Excellence
Port of Long Beach - A Century in Photos Art Exhibit [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Recognition
Port of Long Beach - 2012 "State of the Port" Address Powerpoint Presentation [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Los Angeles - PORTfolio [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Awards of Merit
Ports of Indiana - www.PortsofIndiana.com [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Port of Long Beach - Port of Long Beach Website www.polb.com [Entry Summary, Entry Image]
Award of Recognition
North Carolina State Ports Authority - Redesigned NCPorts.com [Entry Summary, Entry Image]