Calvin Hurst Award for Outstanding Achievement
For the first time, a member of AAPA's Latin American delegation received top honors in environmental enhancement. The Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Cartagena, S.A., the Port of Cartagena, Colombia, won the Calvin Hurst Award for Outstanding Achievement in Environmental Improvement for its long-term program of port beautification and environmental improvement.
Over a period of seven years, the Port of Cartagena conducted a remedial plan to restore its deteriorated infrastructure and enhance environmental conditions. The results included tighter control of sewage and drainage systems, efficient disposal of waste and allocation of 1.9 hectares of gardens and park area, which also provide shelter for animals.
Port of Redwood City-Marsh/Tidal Restoration
The Port of Redwood City marsh/tidal restoration of the 140-acre Deepwater Slough Island represents one of the most significant environmental renewal projects on San Francisco Bay. The $5 million mitigation project provides an exceptional example of how multiple federal, state and local agencies and private enterprise worked together on a project benefiting the Port, local economy and ecology of San Francisco Bay. The project restored 20 acres of upland area to wetlands; and excavated channels to convey tidal flows to support newly created wetlands, resulting in several upland islands.
Environmental Enhancement
Port of Portland - Dismantling vs. Demolition of Old Warehouses
Rather than demolishing two obsolete marine terminal warehouses, Port of Portland staff in 1995 thought of ways to clear away the structures while preserving the building materials in them for reuse and recycling. Given the market demand for old-growth timber and interest among demolition contractors for coordinating sale of used timbers to outside buyers, port staff determined that the warehouses could be carefully taken apart and the building materials separated, sorted and recycled in a way that would be worth the added expense, time and staging. The warehouses were saved from the wrecking ball and their components used again for new construction projects around the world, including new homes and paneling in the Port's new office building.
Comprehensive Environmental Management
Port of Corpus Christi Authority - Storm Water Management Program
The Port of Corpus Christi Authority designed and constructed a comprehensive storm water management program that promotes environmental enhancement in a cost-effective manner. The program is designed to: provide public outreach to port users and tenants regarding permit requirements; reduce direct storm water runoff entering the ship channel; ensure facility employees are familiar with storm water management practices; and work closely with the City of Corpus Christi Storm Water Department to support public outreach on municipal storm water issues. The results exceeded port goals of limiting pollutant discharges, ensuring compliance, increasing public awareness, and improving the environmental quality of its facilities.